Reporting Overview

A report is a snapshot of Proliance information. Reports are available in the Portfolio, Workspaces and Organization work areas. A report generated in the Workspaces work area contains workspace-specific data, and a report generated in the organization work area contains organization-level data. In the Portfolio work area, reports display data for all workspace manage by that portfolio.

Proliance provides several powerful reporting options to help you print information from your Proliance documents. You can use the built-in report generator in Proliance to quickly print a standard report, or you can design custom print layouts for greater control of your reporting needs. You can also run external reports directly from Proliance.

Reports are useful for anyone who does not have direct access to one or more Proliance documents, but needs to review the information that they contain.

You can print reports for:

Proliance enables you to perform the following activities related to reports:

You can also create custom layout files using third party applications, then upload these files into Proliance and associate them with document types or registers. For more information, see "Custom Print Layouts vs. Standard Reports".

Proliance also lets you run reports that reside entirely within a third party application. For more information, see "About External Reports".